I need to learn how to carry my camera with me at all times; I'm fascinated with the mullet and cant get enough of it, I see them and have to stair. So tonight I'm at La Salsa eating some of the best Mexican food in the southwest and along comes a sweet mullet, but it wasn't the dude with a mullet that made me stare for any length of time, it was your basic crew cut with about 18" of flow in the rear...but it was the fathers son that had the EXACT same mullet as his dad that just caused a commotion in my head! It was truly amazing how impressionable our youth is and this kid truly looked up to his fathers masterpiece of a hair due, all I could think is think that apple didn't fall far from the tree and it truly was "like father, like son".
I headed out the Moto Track tonight to watch Hutch race his 100cc 4 stroke motocross bike against some 8-10 year olds, man that guy was relentless on the kids, block turns, brake checking, all the old school tricks! The cool thing was how happy he was after, guess that's his vent for getting his frustrations out.
Special thanks to Bill Deputy (a.k.a. Mr. Big) at mountainbikeRACER.com for listing Dara's Ford Diary and my BLOG! Check out Dara's Link here and mine here! We truly apriciate your support Bill.
Ok and now for my first contest, It's name my web domain:
The Rules:
1) The URL can not be in use.
2) It has to pertain to cycling and mechanics.
3) contest ends March 23rd
4) winner gets a pair of Ford Pro Team socks shipped.
5) ummm..that's it, now start thinking
Please email all entries HERE
Take Care,
B Ho
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