New MOTO...

I got's me a motorcycle!!! That's Right a big bike, not a scooter, a KTM 250 EXC (2 Stroke), damn that thing is soooo damn fast, for reals, I'm busting wheelies in 4th gear and going fast, burrrrraaaaa! One of the funny things according to eye witnesses; is seeing a skinny 130 pound ex-cross country racer ripping around on a "big" bike. My ex-Independent Fabrication teammate Ken Helgeson has convinced me that I need to race a Hare Scramble this weekend, so I've only owned the bike for 4 days but I'm in for a 2 hour endurance motorcycle race north of Denver...keep your fingers crossed for me.
Looks like someone bought my scooter in FL, so now I have to learn about freight shipping a scooter. Hummm? Oh well it will be a fun learning experience.
Oh if anyone has a ton of bicycle shop experience and is looking to relocate to Colorado Springs send you resume to Mike Blackmore (a.k.a Blackie) c/o Colorado Cyclist and see about getting your self a jobby job at a sweet ass mail-order company! See Blackie I told ya I would post it, just better late then never, right?