All I have to say is stay up for two days straight and the stories seem to get longer…BIG TIME! I just finished what most mechanics would call an epic workday; the story goes a little something like this:
Nick Martin sportin some SPF 5000 sun screen!

Pumped to work with the Trek team and support a group of fun/fast racers consisting of NICK MARTIN, TRISTAN SCHOUTEN, ROSS SCHNELL, and BECCA "Holla" BLAY. Oh and how can I forget I had help from and Jessica a.k.a "Nick's Girlfriend". I begin to pack my car with all the necessary items to help a caliber team such as Trek. I get all the basics packed: coffee, yerba mate’ (Yerba Mate’ is a powerful rejuvenating energy beverage grown in its native rainforest environment), food, tools, sleeping bags, etc.,. Hope you get the idea by now. I woke up early to beat the morning traffic and have open mountain roads to rally my car (yes I like to drive fast) at REALLY Fast speeds..
So here is where my day goes upside down. I’m almost to Winter Park killing some pavement and really making good time, oh I also just learned to drift turns, so I’m hitting 20-30mph marked turns at 90-100mph, drifting them and exiting them at 65-75 mph, yes i really like driving fast. Well the “man” is waiting for me as I exit the turn’s apex and I get radar after hitting the brakes and BAM 72mph in a 55mph…bummer. After processing my traffic violation he asks my to get out of the car and cuffs me for an unpaid traffic ticket from a year and a half ago…BIG TIME BUMMER. The COP searches my car (more like throws everything around) and finds a big bag of yerba mate’ and assumes it’s weed, now I’m actually laughing at the whole situation at this point from the awe of what is happening, nonetheless he found out it wasn’t weed and proceeded to chuffer me to jail. Mark Matson Kona Super Wrench gets my S.O.S. distress call and bails me out in no time at all! Thanks Mark IOU!
As for the 24 hour race I got all the bikes out with out any mechanicals…yes my fingers where crossed more then once, nothing like working on bikes that you’ve never touched before, not to mention right after your first prison experience. 24 hour races are so damn much fun, people are in good sprits, funny outfits are almost required, almost everyone is sleep deprived and having a blast doing what they love. Good times!
Ross Schnell and Jessica having a good time at 3:00am

For the race details, well I leave that to the racers like Nick Martin and Becca Blay to give the racers details and for me I’ll just continue to rant about all the funny stuff that I missed while racing professionally for 5 years.
Fred Dreier of VeloNews and editor of Fred’s eye view shows up to race solo!

Let me guess your skinny ass can now be called, bitch, and your boyfriend's name is Bubba!!! Good to hear someone sprung you, it gives me the willies thinking there might have been an ex-XC racer fending for himself in the bighouse.
24 hour races have a vibe that can not be beat
too often people pull into a parking lot
race their bike
then pull out of the parking lot
easy on the speed
a ticket and a night in jail are not the "worst case scenario"
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