Ok it’s been quite some time since I last updated this, so here’s the lighter side of the past two weeks on the road:
Foye was on the way to pick me for Sea Otter and got STRANDED in Falcon Colorado (the Blizzard of 05), rescued by El Paso County Search and Rescue, slept on a floor at the Falcon Fire station, and all about 10 miles from my house. Foye had the best response ever “now I can say I was stranded overnight by a blizzard”.
Sea Otter was a hit I got a new job…oh I forgot to tell everyone that I left the Ford/Specialized team and moved over to Haro, so all of you that where going to stop by the Ford Specialized team trailer and say Hi well they do have another mechanic named Billy, but this Billy is now at HARO.
While at Sea Otter I had the privilege of working on two ladies bikes that made the switch from the pavement to dirt, Megan Elliot and Lyne Bessette where some of the easiest athletes to work for ever! I changed tires and fixed forks in return for cookies and brownies! Thanks Ladies.
I ventured to San Francisco, CA after Sea Otter and that is one cool ass town, tons of people riding around on Fixed Gear bikes (aka fixies), bars dedicated to cyclists, every type of cuisine that one could imagine, along with some sweet ass shops!
I left Frisco on Wed morning via the California Zephyr Amtrak Train and arrived in Denver late Thursday night. It was a novel concept seeing that I don’t start work until June and it was only $82.00 to go the full distance. So I’m counting the longer/chair that I slept in as a bed for my counter, so here is my final tally for the 2005 season.
Foye Troute "beds I've slept in this year counter":
- 14 different beds.
- 7748 miles driven and traveled via train
Friday I seized the top end of my moto up at the track so I’ll have to repair that with my screw driver and duct tape…so who knows about KTM 2 stroke engines? Also the Colorado Cyclist is still looking for a few good people, so what if you have to relocate to work in Coloraod Springs, apply now!
I complied some pictures from my 2004 race season on the Intense Factory XC Team, check it out on the links section!
Take Care,
B Ho
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