(Who knows GOD might even show up?!?! Dont hold your breath...hehe)
Please pass this on to anyone that you think might be interested
This Saturday, Nov 12th at 3:00pm
The race will sport longer routes with more options = more tactics = more fun!
Ok, you're probably wondering just how this is going to work right? Well here's the jist:
Race Rules:
*This is a two person team race, any age or gender mix is legit. Pick your partner ahead of time, if you don't have a partner, no worries, we'll figure something out. Teams must ride together at all times! Sure you can ride with other teams if you like, as long as your partner is there with you.
*Helmets are mandatory....any helmet.....aannnnyyyy helmet! Yes, that one's fine.
*There will be mandatory ATM stops along the routes, all team members must bring their ATM cards and provide check of balance(should be no fee associated)(don't worry I can probably beat anyone's low balance) receipts along with the course map at the finish line! If you don't wish to use the ATM then you should be prepared to prove that you were at all locations (store receipts, pictures of you at the location, etc, creativity allowed. Anything questionable will be judged by other racers/piers).
***Anyone wishing to participate will meet at the bridge crossing the creek next to Criterium Bike Shop at 3pm Saturday, Nov. 12th (This Saturday!!!) How you get there is up to you; ride, drive, hang glide(time bonus' if you actually hang glide)(seriously)(yes, if you hang glide you can have someone else bring your bike for you).
*There will be a racer meeting of sorts at 3pm
*The race will start promptly-ish at 3:15pm(what do you mean that's not a word?)
*The race will finish at Benny's bar/pub/watering hole...hey does anyone know what the actual establishment term is here? No time bonus' for that one. Benny's is located 517 W. Colorado Ave.
*Derbying will be allowed on part of the course, though not 'encouraged' of course.
*Course maps will be picked by the teams at or around the start of the race. (don't worry about what i mean by that)
*Awards will begin shortly after the last team arrives at the finish....especially if that's me.
Bike/ride Rules:
*Any Townie or Cruiser(beach) is allowed....however you will be limited to no more than 5 speed/5 gears. If you have more than 5 gears then you must gain the approval of the rest of the field and/ or we will limit the shiftability for you.(and restore it upon your finishing the race of course)
*This time and this time only, single speed mountain bikes will be allowed, but only if I know for a fact that you don't own a cruiser or townie. Also, at least one person on the team must be on a townie or cruiser. No one team can consist of all S.S. mountain bikes. Anyone using a single speed must be running knobbie tires, no slicks on single speeds.
*Please bring some sort of light system as it will most likely get dark during or shortly after the race.
*This is a race across town along multiple routes. This is a self supported race, which means that you are expected to have what you need with you to fix your bike in case of mechanical mishap...flat tires, skipped(derailed) chain, etc.
*** if you have ANY questions please e-mail me.
Fine Print:
This is a race at your own risk event! races are extremely dangerous!!!!!!!!! We don't encourage doing any of these races. If you aren't prepared to suffer the potential consequences then you shouldn't race, plain and simple. If racing please know and ride with in your personal limits. There will be pedestrians and traffic along the course, you will be expected to obey all traffic rules and give pedestrians the right of way. Please don't do anything that would give cyclists or cycling a bad name. Or a worse name in this particular town.
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