Let the goodtimes begin!

Where in the hell am I again? Oh that's right Tucson for the 6th winter in a row! I always find a reason to come down to this winter playground (well summerish), this year it something bike related but on the other end of the spectrum from riding...I'm a team mechanic; I was under the assumption I would be able to ride my bike and live like a rock star, ha ha ha, not even remotely true! It's more like 10-16 hour days, no social life, and a pain in the ass dealing with athletes (ok I'm venting a little). I've raced as a professional cyclist for the past few years and have seen the countless hours some team mechanics have to put in so I felt ready for the task, but I'm starting to think the intervals where a bit easier, well, with cycling at least your done in a few hours then chillin' on the couch watching a good movie (i.e. RESTING). But really I'm ready to start this job and give it 100%, I have 4 athletes that are counting on me and I just cant let them down, right? Ok so your wondering well what team is it Billy? Here is the link
http://www.fordcycling.com/riders.html funny the guy running the team was worried about me doing a blog on the "team" site due to logistical reasons with Ford, so fuck it I'm on this site ranting at my own pace and dropping the "F" bomb when ever I fell necessary, oh wait... I feel one coming on right now, na fuck it I don't feel like cursing like a fucking sailor! I'm off to the first NORBA National on Monday to really find out what this job has to offer, looks like rain, so I spent most of the day today getting extra mud gear ready for a 3 day stage race (slug fest) in the mud! Speaking of mud I decided to race a MTB race two weekends ago, no training...wait I've only ridden a hand full of times since October, so fuck-it I'm signed up to race in Phoenix on the rainiest day in AZ history, and me like a true idiot I bring a knife to a gun fight; yes that's right I pull up to the Pro men's race REALLY out of shape and on a RIDGED SINGLE SPEED! Now, I know this is a really dumb idea when Cody Peterson asked me if I've ever ridden the course, guess it's a little bumpy?!?! Well, 18 miles into a 24 mile mud, sweat, and lots of tears. I had something happen that has never happened before, my fore-arms cramped so bad I couldn't hold onto the bars and ended up flounder around in the mud until deciding to WALK back to the car...man that was soo hard. This single-speed stuff is really addicting, so I'm sure I'll be back, but with a Reba! Look out for updates for the first NORBA! BH