I’ve been in Alaska for a short period of time, and well long enough to get a feel for climate, geographic bearing, and a sense of the social dynamics that come with a population of 800. The weather is much like the Pacific Northwest, but with a twist, it’s much more unpredictable here, we have spots of sunshine and snow storms all in on afternoon. Judging from the pass from Canada to town (the only road outa here) I will have ample skiing here all year round, I’m sitting in town (21 blocks long and 4 blocks wide) that is in a small valley located at sea level, encompassed by snow covered mountains, a fjord that is fueled with sea water from the Pacific Ocean, and not much else but views here…I mean no Movie theater, not a single chain franchise (well with the exception of a seasonal StarBucks Coffee), no free Wi-Fi, basically take everything that you’ve taken for granted and toss it out the window! No UPS or Fed-Ex delivery, No Clothing Stores, No Automotive Repair shop, ete.,.

As for publishing this stuff please understand it’s a different world up here! People move slower and getting to a connection to upload my stories may take sometime, but nevertheless, please keep in touch for more updates to come as I figure out to adapt to the land that time forgot.

It truly is paradise up here if you can find a way to make a living!
Take care,
Billy Holmes