When I was growing up I had a sticker "he who dies with the most toys wins!"...I thought it was silly and had it on my first tool box (which I still have), but after reflection upon my present employment situation (part-time) and desired lifestyle to play as much as possible, well, I think I might be winning the game! Correct me if I'm wrong -or- call me cocky if you desire.
I cant imagine what people do w/o hobbies, dreams, desire to push themselves, or just a general passion. For instance my roommate told me yesterday that our TV was broken, I thought...I'll have an extra 1.5 hour w/o watching my one movie per week, instead of thinking we need to fix it ASAP.

I guess it was just a random thought when I opened my garage today to work on my MX bike, but it hit me that I'm really enjoying my time here and couldn't be anymore auspicious with my hobbies!